The 2022 NSF CSSI PI meeting aims to further build the community around the NSF CSSI and its precursor programs (DIBBs, SI2) towards a sustainable data and software cyberinfrastructure. The meeting provides a forum for CSSI PIs to:
- share technical information about their projects with others including NSF program directors;
- explore innovative topics emerging in the software and data infrastructure communities;
- discuss and learn about best practices across projects;
- consider ways to ensure a diverse pipeline of CI researchers and professionals;
- investigate new ideas of achieving software and data sustainability.
At least one representative (PI/Co-PI/senior personnel) from each active CSSI project is required by NSF to attend the meeting and present a poster on their project. For a collaborative project with multiple awards, one representative from the entire project is required. There is no registration fee, but participants should register by the deadline July 7, 2022 to allow for planning logistics such as space and food. We plan to livestream the talks and panel discussions via Zoom.
Zoom Webinar | We will be streaming the slides and audio via a Zoom webinar. Please contact the meeting organizers for connection information: cssi-pi-meeting2022 at googlegroups dot com | ||||
Abstract Book | The meeting abstract book (PDF) including poster assignments is available to download: 2022 CSSI PI Meeting Abstract Book | ||||
Final Agenda | View/download the final meeting agenda (PDF) including attendee list with table assignments: 2022 CSSI PI Meeting Final Agenda | ||||
Poster and Lightning Talk Schedule | Please see the Poster and Lightning Talk pages for a complete listing of assignments with links to download/view the related files. | ||||
Zenodo Repository | Browse all of the submitted digital poster and lightning talk slides in the 2022 NSF CSSI PI Meeting Zenodo Community. |
Meeting dates | July 25-26, 2022 |
Registration for the meeting is now closed.
Questions or concerns? Contact the Organizing Committee: cssi-pi-meeting2022 at googlegroups dot com
The meeting venue and hotel is The Westin Alexandria Old Town, 400 Courthouse Square, Alexandria, VA 22314.
The deadline to reserve a room in the group block was July 7, but there may still be rooms available. See the hotel website for more information.
- Getting around
- The meeting venue is conveniently-located on the western edge of Old Town Alexandria. It is ~0.4 miles from NSF Headquarters on Eisenhower Ave and ~0.3 miles from the King Street Metro Station with service to Washington National Airport (DCA). The many shops and restaurants of Old Town are located within walking distance to the northeast. The hotel also offers complimentary 1.5-mile radius shuttle service.
The meeting will include invited talks, lightning talks, poster sessions, panels, round table discussions, open discussions sessions, and an evening reception. Our goal is to maximize participant interaction through the two days.
View/download the final meeting agenda (PDF) including attendee list with table assignments: 2022 CSSI PI Meeting Final Agenda
Time (EDT) | Event | Speaker | |
7:00-8:30 AM | Breakfast in 2nd floor foyer | ||
9:00 AM | Welcome and Introductions | Tevfik KosarNSF Office of Advanced Cyberinfrastructure | |
9:15 AM | Invited NSF Presentation | Manish ParasharNSF Office of Advanced Cyberinfrastructure | |
9:45 AM | Lightning Talks 1 | ||
10:30 AM | Poster Session 1 and Coffee Break | ||
11:30 AM | Panel Theme 1: Ensuring a Diverse Pipeline of CI Researchers and Professionals | Moderator: Michael BartonOrganizing Committee Member, Arizona State UniversityIntroduction: Sylvia SpenglerNSF Information and Intelligent SystemsPanelists: Marisa BrazilArizona State UniversityMadicken MunkUniversity of Illinois at Urbana-ChampaignRitu AroraThe University of Texas at San AntonioMichela TauferThe University of Tennessee |
12:30 PM | Theme 1 Round Table Discussions | ||
1:00 PM | Lunch in 2nd floor foyer | ||
2:00 PM | Panel Theme 2: Data Integrity and Provenance | Moderator: Hanna TerletskaOrganizing Committee Member, Middle Tennessee State UniversityIntroduction: Ilkay AltintasUniversity of California, San DiegoShaowen WangUniversity of Illinois at Urbana-ChampaignSandra GesingDiscovery Partner Institute, University of Illinois ChicagoEwa DeelmanUniversity of Southern California |
2:45 PM | Theme 2 Round Table Discussions | ||
3:15 PM | Coffee Break | ||
3:30 PM | Lightning Talks 2 | ||
4:15 PM | Open Discussion | ||
5:00-7:00 PM | Poster Session 2 and Reception |
Time (EDT) | Event | Speaker | |
7:00-8:30 AM | Breakfast in 2nd floor foyer | ||
9:00 AM | Welcome | ||
9:05 AM | Lightning Talks 3 | ||
9:45 AM | Poster Session 3 and Coffee Break | ||
10:45 AM | Panel Theme 3: Science Applications and Sustainability | Moderator: Kerstin LehnertOrganizing Committee Chair, Columbia UniversityIntroduction: Steven EllisNSF Division of Biological InfrastructurePanelists: Madhav MaratheUniversity of VirginiaMichael ZentnerSan Diego Supercomputer CenterDaniel CrawfordMolecular Sciences Software Institute/Virginia TechGreg TuckerUniversity of Colorado Boulder |
11:30 AM | Theme 3 Round Table Discussions | ||
12:00 PM | Lunch in 2nd floor foyer | ||
1:00 PM | Special Group Discussions | ||
2:00 PM | Invited NSF Presentation | Erwin GianchandaniNSF Directorate for Technology, Innovation and Partnerships | |
2:30 PM | Lightning Talks 4 | ||
3:00 PM | Poster Session 4 and Coffee Break | ||
4:00 PM | Open Discussion and Closing Remarks | ||
5:00 PM | Meeting Adjourns |
Poster Schedule
There are a total of 4 poster sessions: 2 on Monday and 2 on Tuesday.
If your poster is scheduled in an AM session (Sessions #1 & #3), please hang up your poster before the meeting begins at 9:00 AM.
If your poster is scheduled for a PM session (Sessions #2 & #4), please hang your poster up during the lunch break.
All posters should be removed at the end of your poster session. Pushpins and recycling bins will be provided.
The meeting abstract book (PDF) including poster assignments is available to download: 2022 CSSI PI Meeting Abstract Book
Poster # | Name | Organization | NSF Award | Keywords | View/Download |
1 | Alexey Akimov | University at Buffalo, SUNY | Elements: Libra: The Modular Software for Nonadiabatic and Quantum DynamicsAward #: NSF-OAC-1931366 | nonadiabatic dynamics, excited states, materials science, surface hopping methods, quantum dynamics | Poster |
2 | Metin Aktulga | Michigan State University | Collaborative Research: CDS&E: ReaxFF2: Efficient and Scalable Methods for Long-time Reactive Molecular Dynamics SimulationsAward #: 1807622 | Molecular dynamics, reactive systems, performance optimization, GPU acceleration, sparse solvers | Poster |
3 | Daniel Aliaga | Purdue University | Elements: Data: U-Cube: A Cyberinfrastructure for Unified and Ubiquitous Urban Canopy ParameterizationAward #: 1835739 | urban design, urban planning, inverse modeling, procedural modeling | |
4 | Rafal Angryk | Georgia State University | Elements: Comprehensive Time Series DataAnalytics for the Prediction of Solar Flares and EruptionsAward #: 1931555 | data science, heliophysics, imbalanced data, solar flares prediction, space weather | Poster |
5 | Raymundo Arroyave | Texas A&M University | Elements: Software: Autonomous, Robust, and Optimal In-Silico Experimental Design Platform for Accelerating Innovations in Materials DiscoveryAward #: 1835690 | Bayesian Optimization, Materials Discovery, Materials Genome Initiative | Poster |
6 | Scott Bachman | National Center for Atmospheric Research | Elements: Cyberinfrastructure for streamlining coupled, simplified climate modeling within the Community Earth System ModelAward #: 2004575 | climate, CESM, toolchain, idealized, model | Poster |
7 | Michael Barton | Arizona State University | Frameworks: Collaborative Research: Integrative Cyberinfrastructure for Next-Generation Modeling ScienceAward #: 2103905 | modeling, social and ecological sciences, model reusability, education and training, open science | Poster |
8 | Dino Bektesevic | University of Washington | SI2-SSE: An Ecosystem of Reusable Image Analytics PipelinesAward #: 1739419 | image analytics, big data, cloud | Poster |
9 | Mahdi Belcaid | University of Hawaii at Manoa | SAGE3: Smart Amplified Group Environment for Harnessing the Data RevolutionAward #: 2004014 | Collaboration platforms, data science environment, artificial intelligence platforms, Human-in-the-loop, decision-support systems | Poster |
10 | Anupam Bhar | Iowa State University | Elements: Agricultural Cyber-infrastructure support for Field and Grid Modeling, and Runtime Decision-MakingAward #: 2004766 | Precision agriculture, MyGeoHub, Agriculture Model, Decision-Making, Optimization. | PosterFile under embargo. Contact author for details (abhar at |
11 | Volker Blum | Duke University | Collaborative Research: SI2-SSI: ELSI - Infrastructure for Scalable Electronic Structure TheoryAward #: 1450280 | Density-functional theory, electronic structure theory, computational chemistry, computational materials science, parallel matrix algebra | Poster |
12 | James Bordner | University of California, San Diego | Collaborative Research:Framework:Software:NSCI:Enzo for the Exascale Era (Enzo-E)Award #: 1835402 | AMR, astrophysics, cosmology, Charm++, framework | Poster |
13 | David Cantu | University of Nevada, Reno | Elements: The ThYme database and identifying representative amino acid sequences that originate thioester-active enzyme familiesAward #: 2001385 | Enzyme, protein, database, bioinformatics, structure | Poster |
14 | Jonathan Carifio | Center for Astrophysics | Harvard & Smithsonian | CDS&E: AAG: "glupyter": Enabling multi-dimensional linked data visualization with glue in the browser Award #: 1908419 | data,visualization,multi-dimensional,python,jupyter | Poster |
15 | Yong Chen | Texas Tech University | Elements:Software:NSCI: Empowering Data-driven Discovery with a Provenance Collection, Management, and Analysis Software InfrastructureAward #: 1835892 | Provenance, high performance computing, data collection, data analysis, visual analytics | Poster |
16 | In Ho Cho | Iowa State University | Elements: Development of Assumption-Free Parallel Data Curing Service for Robust Machine Learning and Statistical PredictionsAward #: 1931380 | Missing data curing, big incomplete data, hybrid data, imputation, fractional hot deck imputation | Poster |
17 | Brianna Corsa | University of Colorado Boulder | GeoSCIFramework ProjectAward #: 1835791 | DInSAR, GNSS, time series, modeling, volcanic deformation | Poster |
18 | Aaron Costin | University of Florida | Elements: Cyberinfrastructure Service for IoT-Based Construction Research and ApplicationsAward #: 2004544 | Internet of Things, Construction, Wireless Sensor Network, Safety Monitoring | Poster |
19 | Ewa Deelman | University of Southern California | SI2-SSI: Pegasus: Automating Compute and Data Intensive ScienceAward #: 1664162 | workflow management, distributed computing, resource management | Poster |
21 | Peter Diener | Louisiana State University | Collaborative Research: Frameworks: The Einstein Toolkit ecosystem: Enabling fundamental research in the era of multi-messenger astrophysicsAward #: 2004157 | Numerical Relativity, Compact Objects, Einstein Toolkit, Adaptive Mesh Refinement, High Performance Computing | Poster |
23 | Peter Elmer | Princeton University | S2I2: Institute for Research and Innovation in Software for High Energy Physics (IRIS-HEP)Award #: OAC-1836650 | Physics, Particle Physics, Software | |
24 | Marc Fehling | Colorado State University | Collaborative Research: Frameworks: Software: Future Proofing the Finite Element Library Deal.II -- Development and Community BuildingAward #: OAC-1835673 | finite elements, linear algebra, software | Poster |
25 | Renato Figueiredo | University of Florida | Collaborative Research: Elements: EdgeVPN: Seamless Secure Virtual Networking for Edge and Fog ComputingAward #: 2004441 | edge computing, fog computing, virtual networks, software-defined networks | Poster |
26 | Andreas Goetz | University of California, San Diego | Elements: Software: NSCI: Efficient GPU Enabled QM/MM Calculations: AMBER Coupled with QUICKAward #: 1835144 | QM/MM, DFT, GPU, open-source software, QUICK, AMBER | Poster |
27 | Boyce Griffith | The University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill | Multiphase Fluid-Structure Interaction Software Infrastructure to Enable Applications in Medicine, Biology, and EngineeringAward #: OAC 1931516 | fluid-structure interaction, adaptive mesh refinement, high performance computing | |
28 | Thomas Hacker | Purdue University | Elements: Data: Integrating Human and Machine for Post-Disaster Visual Data Analytics: A Modern Media-Oriented ApproachAward #: 1835473 | Infrastructure assessment, Structural damage, Earthquake reconnaissance data, Bridge inspection, Image classification | Poster |
29 | Chaitanya Joshi | Tufts University | Elements: Morpho-Cyberinfrastructure for scientists and engineers studying shape changeAward #: 2003820 | shape optimization, shapeshifting, soft matter, biophysics, open-source | Poster |
30 | Boris Kozinsky | Harvard University | Elements: FLARE infrastructure for reproducible active learning of Bayesian force fields for ex-machina exascale molecular dynamicsAward #: 2003725 | molecular dynamics, materials simulation, machine learning | Poster |
31 | JoAnn Kuchera-Morin | University of California, Santa Barbara | Elements: Cyber-infrastructure for Interactive Computation and Display of Materials DatasetsAward #: 2004693 | interactive computation, computational materials science, interactive visualization, complex crystalline materials research, automated model fitting | Poster |
32 | Ge Ou | University of Florida | Elements: Open Access Data Generation Engine for Bulk Power System under Extreme WindstormsAward #: 2004658 | Power System, extreme weather; resilience; hurricanes; civil infrastructure | Poster |
Abani Patra | Tufts University | Ghub: A new community-driven data-model resource for ice-sheet scientistsAward #: 2004302 | Ice sheet models, Ice sheet observation data, glaciology and cryosciences | Poster | |
34 | Daniel Phillips | Ohio University | Frameworks: Bayesian Analysis of Nuclear DynamicsAward #: 2004601 | Bayesian statistics; uncertainty quantification; nuclear physics; experimental design; computationally expensive models. | Poster |
35 | Chris Rapier | Pittsburgh Supercomputing Center | Elements: HPN-SSHAward #: 2004012 | ssh, networking, security, data transfer, performance | Poster |
Wissam Saidi | University of Pittsburgh | Elements: DeepPDB: An open-source automated framework to enable high-fidelity atomistic simulations in unexplored material spaceAward #: 2003808 | Materails Modeling, first-principles, machine learning, atomistic potentials, large data | Poster | |
37 | Michael Sokoloff | University of Cincinnati | Collaborative Research : Elements : Extending the physics reach of LHCb by developing and deploying algorithms for a fully GPU-based first trigger stageAward #: 2004364 | GPUs, real-time, particle physics, machine learning | Poster |
38 | Dingwen Tao | Washington State University | CDS&E: Collaborative Research: HyLoC: Objective-driven Adaptive Hybrid Lossy Compression Framework for Extreme-Scale Scientific ApplicationsAward #: 2003624 | HPC, I/O and communication, data movement, lossy compression, scientific data | Poster |
39 | Guang Wang | Florida State University | Private Data Analytics Synthesis, and Sharing for Large-Scale Multi-Modal Smart City Mobility ResearchAward #: 2003874 | Data integration, synthetic data, privacy, data sharing, smart city | Poster |
40 | Yuanzhe Xi | Emory University | CDS&E: Collaborative Research: Hierarchical Kernel Matrices for Scientific and Data ApplicationsAward #: 2003720 | Hierarchical matrix, kernel methods, Gaussian process, low rank compression, Brownian dynamics simulations | |
41 | Liqing Zhang | Virginia Tech | Frameworks: Developing CyberInfrastructure for Waterborne Antibiotic Resistance Risk Surveillance (CI4-WARS)Award #: 2004751 | Antibiotic resistance, wastewater treatment plants, surveillance, anomaly detection, metagenomic sequencing | Poster |
42 | Dan Negrut | University of Wisconsin-Madison | Elements:Software:NSCI: Chrono - An Open-Source Simulation Platform for Computational Dynamics ProblemsAward #: CISE1835674 | rover simulation, simulation in robotics, fluid-solid interaction, open source | Poster | online only | Brian Demsky | UC Irvine | SI2-SSE: C11Tester: Scaling Testing of C/C++11 Atomics to Real-World SystemsAward #: 1740210 | Fuzzing, concurrency, atomics, memory models | Poster |
Poster # | Name | Organization | NSF Award | Keywords | View/Download |
1 | Alexey Akimov | University at Buffalo, SUNY | CyberTraining: Pilot: Modeling Excited State Dynamics in Solar Energy MaterialsAward #: NSF-OAC-1924256 | excited states, nonadiabatic dynamics, summer schools, tutorials, education | Poster |
2 | Ritu Arora | UTSA | COLLABORATIVE RESEARCH: EAGER: Towards Building a CyberInfrastructure for Facilitating the Assessment, Dissemination, Discovery, & Reuse of Software and Data ProductsAward #: 2037661 | interoperability, licensing, metrics, catalog, software discovery | Poster |
3 | Lei Cao | MIT | Collaborative Research: Elements: A Self-tuning Anomaly Detection ServiceAward #: 2103799 | self-tuning, anomaly detection, unsupervised, domain-specific, anomaly classifier | Poster |
5 | Lydia Chilton | Columbia University | Elements: Decision Engine for Socioeconomic Disaster Risk (DESDR) - Data Collection, Fusion, and Analysis to Protect Vulnerable Populations From Extreme WeatherAward #: 2103794 | agriculture, finance, software, co-design, open-source | Poster |
6 | Sean Cleveland | University of Hawaii - System | Frameworks: Project Tapis: Next Generation Software for Distributed ResearchAward #: 1931575 | Science Gateways, Compute, Containers, Microservices, Distributed workflows | Poster |
7 | Leszek Demkowicz | The University of Texas at Austin | Elements:Software A Scalable Open-Source hp-Adaptive FE Software for Complex Multiphysics ApplicationsAward #: 2103524 | Finite Elements, Open Source, DPG Method, Multigrid, Adaptivity | Poster |
9 | Thomas Haine | Johns Hopkins University | Collaborative Research: Framework: Data: Toward Exascale Community Ocean Circulation ModelingAward #: 1835640 | ocean circulation, ocean models, community data analysis, computational oceanography | Poster |
10 | Kathryn Hamilton | Drake University | Elements: NSCI-Software -- A General and Effective B-Spline R-Matrix Package for Charged-Particle and Photon Collisions with Atoms, Ions, and MoleculesAward #: 1834740 | R-matrix, B-spline, electron-atom collisions, open source, parallel computing | Poster |
11 | Chad Hanna | Penn State | An A+ Framework for Multimessenger Astrophysics Discoveries through Real-Time Gravitational Wave DetectionAward #: 2103662 | LIGO, gravitational waves, black holes, neutron stars, real-time, multi-messenger, signal processing, stream-processing | Poster |
12 | Robert Harrison | Stony Brook University | Production quality Ecosystem for Programming and Executing eXtreme-scale Applications (EPEXA)Award #: 1931387 | Parallel programming, data flow, exascale | Poster |
13 | Pedram Hassanzadeh | Rice University | Collaborative Research: Framework: Improving the understanding and representation of atmospheric gravity waves using high-resolution observations and machine learningAward #: 2005123 | climate modeling, machine learning, parameterization, climate change, atmospheric dynamics | Poster |
14 | Bryna Hazelton | University of Washington | Collaborative Research: Elements: Software: Accelerating Discovery of the First Stars through a Robust Software Testing InfrastructureAward #: 1835421 | radio astronomy, interferometry, cosmology, testing, open source software | Poster |
15 | Hendrik Heinz | University of Colorado Boulder | Collaborative Research: Frameworks: Cyberloop for Accelerated Bionanomaterials DesignAward #: 1938517 | Atomistic simulation, databases, force fields, web-based interface, biomolecular simulation, materials simulation, molecular dynamics | Poster |
16 | Jeff Horsburgh | Utah State University | Collaborative Research: Elements: Advancing Data Science and Analytics for Water (DSAW)Award #: 1931297 | hydrology, data, Python, data science, software | Poster |
17 | Philip Ilten | University of Cincinnati | Elements: Machine Learning Quark HadronizationAward #: 2103889 | Monte Carlo, machine learning, particle physics, simulation | Poster |
18 | Zachary Ives | University of Pennsylvania | mProv: Provence-Based Data Analytics Cyberinfrastructure for High-frequency Mobile Sensor DataAward #: 1640813 | provenance, big data, sensors | Poster |
19 | Eric Jankowski | Boise State University | Collaborative Research: NSCI Framework: Software for Building a Community-Based Molecular Modeling Capability Around the Molecular Simulation Design Framework (MoSDeF)Award #: 1835593 | molecular simulation, reproducibility, high performance computing, thermodynamics | Poster |
20 | Shantenu Jha | Rutgers University | Elements: RADICAL-Cybertools: Middleware Building Blocks for NSF's CyberinfrastructureAward #: 1931512 | Middleware, software and performance engineering, workflows | Poster |
20 | Shantenu Jha | Rutgers University | RHAPSODY: Runtime for Heterogeneous Applications, Service Orchestration and DynamismAward #: 2103986 | Middleware, software and performance engineering, workflows | Poster |
21 | Ian Joughin | University of Washington | Elements: Software. icepack: an open-source glacier flow modeling library in PythonAward #: 1835321 | glaciology, simulation, numerics, data assimilation, climate change | Poster |
22 | Mahmut Kandemir | Penn State | Frameworks: Re-Engineering Galaxy for Performance, Scalability and Energy EfficiencyAward #: 1931531 | Galaxy, GPU, biomedical, cloud, storage | Poster |
23 | Peter Kasson | University of Virginia | SCALE-MS - Scalable Adaptive Large Ensembles of Molecular SimulationsAward #: 1835780 | ensemble simulations, molecular dynamics simulations, adaptive workflows | Poster |
24 | Latifur Khan | University of Texas at Dallas | Elements: Data: Sustaining Modern Infrastructure For Political And Social Event DataAward #: 1931541 | Deep Learning, Event Coding, BERT, Conflict, Violence | Poster |
25 | Andreas Kloeckner | University of Illinois | SHF: Small: Collaborative Research: Transform-to-perform: languages, algorithms, and solvers for nonlocal operatorsAward #: SHF-1911019 | Non-local operator, Convolution, Potential, FEM/BEM coupling, Fast Algorithm, Domain-Specific Language | Poster |
26 | Alice Koniges | University of Hawai'i | Elements: ALE-AMR Framework and the PISALE CodebaseAward #: 2005259 | Flow in Porous Media, Adaptive Mesh Refinement, Arbitrary Lagrangian Eulerian, PISALE | Poster |
27 | Christopher League | Long Island University | Bifrost: A CPU/GPU Pipeline Framework for High Throughput Data Acquisition and AnalysisAward #: 2103771 | GPU, Python, radioastronomy, data acquisition, big data analysis | Poster |
28 | Dave Vieglais | University of Kansas | Collaborative Research: Frameworks: Internet of Samples: Toward an Interdisciplinary Cyberinfrastructure for Material SamplesAward #: 2004815 | physical samples, collection, identifier, distributed, linked data | Poster |
29 | Sanjiva Lele | Stanford University | Elements: AMR-H: Adaptive multi-resolution high-order solver for multiphase compressible flows on heterogenous platformsAward #: 2103509 | high-order discretization, compressible flow simulations, turbulence, AMR, Exascale computing | Poster |
30 | Xu Liang | University of Pittsburgh | CyberWater—An Open and Sustainable Framework for Diverse Data and Model Integration with Provenance and Access to HPCAward #: 1835785 | Open data and modeling, graphical workflows, model integration, HPC access on-demand, reproducibility | Poster |
31 | Bertram Ludaescher | University Illinois, Urbana-Champaign | CC*DNI DIBBS: Merging Science and Cyberinfrastructure Pathways: The Whole TaleAward #: 1541450 | reproducibility, transparency, research objects, verification workflows | Poster |
32 | B.S. Manjunath | UC Santa Barbara | SI2-SSI: LIMPID: Large-Scale IMage Processing Infrastructure DevelopmentAward #: 1664172 | Computer vision, machine learning, image processing, software infrastructure | Poster |
33 | T. Andrew Manning | National Center for Supercomputing Applications | Frameworks: MUSES, Modular Unified Solver of the Equation of StateAward #: 2103680 | high performance computing, equation of state, nuclear physics, gravitational wave astrophysics, heavy-ion physics | Poster |
35 | Charles Meneveau | Johns Hopkins University | Frameworks: Advanced Cyberinfrastructure for Sustainable Community Usage of Big Data from Numerical Fluid Dynamics SimulationsAward #: 2103874 | Big data, turbulence, computational fluid dynamics, geophysics, numerical laboratories | Poster |
36 | David Morse | Univ. of Minnesota | Elements: Open-source tools for block polymer phase behaviorAward #: 2103627 | Polymer, Copolymer, Field Theoretic Simulation | Poster |
37 | Loic Pottier | University of Southern California | Simulation-driven Evaluation of Cyberinfrastructure SystemsAward #: 2103508 | simulation, cyberinfrastructure, scientific workflows, distributed computing, wrench | Poster |
38 | Dave Randall | Colorado State University | Collaborative Research: Frameworks: Community-Based Weather and Climate Simulation With a Global Storm-Resolving ModelAward #: 2005137 | Atmosphere, Ocean, Weather, Climate, Fluids | Poster |
39 | Linda Schadler | University of Vermont | Collaborative Research: Framework: Data: HDR: Nanocomposites to Metamaterials: A Knowledge Graph FrameworkAward #: OAC-1835677 | SPARQL, Vega-Lite, knowledge graph, materials design, polymer nanocomposites, metamaterials | Poster |
40 | Dingwen Tao | Washington State University | Collaborative Research: Elements: ROCCI: Integrated Cyberinfrastructure for In Situ Lossy Compression Optimization Based on Post Hoc Analysis RequirementsAward #: 2104024 | HPC, storage and I/O, compression, scientific data, post hoc analysis | Poster |
41 | Michela Taufer | The University of Tennessee | Collaborative Research: Elements: SENSORY: Software Ecosystem for kNowledge diScOveRY - a data-driven framework for soil moisture applicationsAward #: 2103845 | scientific workflows, provenance, scientific computing, traceability, explainability, soil moisture predictions | Poster |
online only | Guoning Chen | University of Houston | CDS&E: Multi-scale Coherent Structure Extraction and Tracking For Modern CFD Data AnalysisAward #: 2102761 | data visualization, turbulence flows, CFD simulations, coherent structure, multi-scale | Poster |
online only | Michael Groeber | Ohio State University | Elements: Data Science Methods for Real-Time Resource Allocation During Characterization of Dynamic SystemsAward #: 2005012 | machine-learning, experiments, materials, modeling, rare events | Poster |
Poster # | Name | Organization | NSF Award | Keywords | View/Download |
1 | Berkay Aydin | Georgia State University | Elements: Spatiotemporal Analysis of Magnetic Polarity Inversion Lines (STEAMPIL)Award #: 2104004 | Object detection, shape descriptors, space weather forecasting, polarity inversion lines | Poster |
2 | Brian Bockelman | Morgridge Institute for Research | CSSI Elements: EWMS - Event Workflow Management ServiceAward #: 2103963 | event processing, manager-worker, High Throughput Computing, distributed computing | Poster |
3 | Eunseo Choi | The University of Memphis | Elements: Developing an integrated modeling platform for tectonics, earthquake cycles and surface processesAward #: 2104002 | tectonics, earthquake cycle, modernization, parallelization, user experience | Poster |
4 | Peter Crozier | Arizona State University | Elements: Collaborative Research: Community-driven Environment of AI-powered Noise Reduction Services for Materials Discovery from Electron Microscopy DataAward #: 2104105 | atomic level structure and dynamics, denoising, catalysis, machine learning | Poster |
5 | Sajal Das | Missouri University of Science and Technology | CSSI:CANDY: Cyberinfrastructure for Accelerating Innovation in Network DynamicsAward #: 2104078 | Parallel dynamic network analysis, open source software framework, complex networks | Poster |
6 | Keivan Esfarjani | University of Virginia | ELEMENTS: Anharmonic formalism and codes to calculate thermal transport and phase change from first-principles calculationsAward #: 2103989 | self-consistent phonons, thermal conductivity, force constants, phase transitions, equilibrium phase | Poster |
7 | Feliciano Giustino | University of Texas, Austin | Frameworks: An Interoperable Software Ecosystem for Many-Body Electronic Structure CalculationsAward #: 2103991 | Computational materials science, electronic structure calculations, many-body methods, excited-state phenomena | Poster |
8 | Krister Shalm | University of Colorado at Boulder | RAISE TAQS: Randomness expansion using a loophole-free Bell test Award #: 1839223 | Randomness generation, entanglement, quantum, auditable, certifiable | Poster |
9 | Andreas Kloeckner | University of Illinois | Elements: Transformation-Based High-Performance Computing in Dynamic LanguagesAward #: OAC-1931577 | Array, GPU, Program transformation, Polyhedral, Separation of Concerns | Poster |
10 | Fanwei Kong | University of California, Berkeley | SI2-SSI: Collaborative Research: The SimCardio open source multi-physics cardiac modeling packageAward #: 1663671 | Cardiovascular, Finite Element, SimVascular, Fluid Structure Interaction | Poster |
11 | David Lange | Princeton University | Elements: C++ as a service - rapid software development and dynamic interoperability with Python and beyondAward #: 1931408 | llvm, interoperability, interactivity | Poster |
11 | David Lange | Princeton University | Elements: C++ as a service - rapid software development and dynamic interoperability with Python and beyondAward #: 1931408 | llvm, interoperability, interactivity | Poster |
12 | Zhen Li | Clemson University | Collaborative Research: Elements: SciMem: Enabling High Performance Multi-Scale Simulation on Big Memory PlatformsAward #: 2103967 | multiscale simulation, molecular dynamics, big memory, heterogeneous computing | Poster |
13 | Guoyu Lu | Rochester Institute of Technology | Elements: A Deep Neural Network-based Drone (UAS) Sensing System for 3D Crop Structure AssessmentAward #: 2104032 | 3D Sensing, Crop Assessmen, LiDAR-camera fusion, Low cost UAS system, Precision Agriculture | Poster |
14 | Xiaogang (Marshall) Ma | University of Idaho | Elements: Software: HDR: A knowledge base of deep time to facilitate automated workflows in studying the co-evolution of the geosphere and biosphereAward #: 1835717 | Geologic time, Knowledge graph, Workflow systems, Co-evolution, Open science | Poster |
15 | Nancy Ide | Brandeis University | Towards a Robust Cyberinfrastructure for NLP-based Search and Recoverability over Scientific LiteratureAward #: 2104025 | Information retrieval, text mining, scientific literature, natural language processing | Poster |
16 | Kenton McHenry | University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign | Collaborative Research: CSSI: Framework: Data: Clowder Open Source Customizable Research Data Management, Plus-PlusAward #: 1835834 | data management, active curation, analytics, convergent research | Poster |
17 | Tim Menzies | NC State | Elements: Can Empirical SE be Adapted to Computational Science?Award #: 1931425 | Software engineering, empirical, computational science | Poster |
18 | Jelena Mirkovic | USC/ISI | Elements: Software: Distributed Workflows for CyberexperimentationAward #: 1835608 | testbeds, experiment lifecycle, repeatability, reproducibility, experiment workflow | Poster |
19 | Dmitry Mishin | University of California San Diego | Pacific Research PlatformAward #: ACI-1541349 | kubernetes, network, monitoring, machine learning, measurements | Poster |
20 | Dane Morgan | University of Wisconsin - Madison | Machine Learning Materials Innovation InfrastructureAward #: 1931298 | Machine learning, cloud resource, materials data, error bars, model domain | Poster |
21 | Nick Murphy | Center for Astrophysics | Harvard & Smithsonian | Collaborative Research: Frameworks: An open source software ecosystem for plasma physicsAward #: 1931388 | plasma, fusion energy, Python | Poster |
22 | Matthew Scotch | Arizona State University | Collaborative: Elements: Cyberinfrastructure for Pedestrian Dynamics-Based Analysis of Infection Propagation Through Air TravelAward #: 1931483 | COVID-19, air travel, Infection modeling, pedestrian dynamics | Poster |
23 | Kenneth Jansen | University of Colorado Boulder | NSCI SI2-S2I2 Conceptualization of CFDSI: Model, Data, and Analysis Integration for End-to-End Support of Fluid Dynamics Discovery and InnovationAward #: 1743178 | Fluid Dynamics, Data Science, CFD, experiments | Poster |
24 | Shrideep Pallickara | Colorado State University | Frameworks: Collaborative Proposal: Software Infrastructure for Transformative Urban Sustainability Research.Award #: OAC-1931363 | big data, spatial data, data mining, analytics, modeling | Poster |
25 | Dhabaleswar Panda | The Ohio State University | Collaborative research: Frameworks: Designing next-generation MPI libraries for emerging dense-GPU SystemsAward #: 1931537 | HPC, Deep Learning, GPU, MPI, CUDA-Aware MPI | Poster |
26 | Daniele Panozzo | New York University | Elements:Software:Open-Source Robust Geometry Toolkit for Black-Box Finite Element AnalysisAward #: 1835712 | Simulation, Finite Element Method, Shape Design, Partial Differential Equation, Robust Computing | Poster |
27 | Anant Paravastu | Georgia Institute of Technology | Element: Computational Toolkit to Discover Peptides that Self-assemble into User-selected StructuresAward #: OAC-1931430 | peptide assembly, peptide design, beta-sheet, discontinuous molecular dynamics, solid-state NMR | Poster |
28 | Jignesh Patel | University of Wisconsin | Elements: Software: Towards Efficient Embedded Data ProcessingAward #: 1835446 | databases, mobile, embedded, sensors, SQLite3 | Poster |
29 | Michele Pavanello | Rutgers University - Newark | Collaborative Research: Elements: Flexible & Open-Source Models for Materials and DevicesAward #: 1931473 | Density Functional Theory, Density Embedding, Multiscale Models, Continuum Models, Electronic structure | Poster |
30 | Shouhuai Xu | University of Colorado Colorado Springs | CICI: UCSS: ACSP4HR: Assuring Cyber Security and Privacy for Human Resilience Research: Requirements, Framework, Architecture, Mechanisms and PrototypeAward #: 2115134 | Human resilience research (HRR), cybersecurity, privacy-preservation, ransomware-resistance, automatic policy-compliance, cyberinfrastructure | Poster |
31 | Carlo Piermarocchi | Michigan State University | Elements: Software: NSCI: A Quantum Electromagnetics Simulation Toolbox (QuEST) for Active Heterogeneous Media by DesignAward #: 1835267 | Nonlinear optics, computational electromagnetics, light-matter interaction | Poster |
32 | Jim Pivarski | Princeton University | Awkward Arrays - Accelerating scientific data analysis on irregularly shaped dataAward #: 2103945 | Python, NumPy, JSON-like data, data analysis, ragged array, jagged array, Apache Arrow | Poster |
33 | Amy Roberts | CU Denver | Collaborative Research: Elements: Shared Data-Delivery Infrastructure to Enable Discovery with Next Generation Dark Matter and Computational Astrophysics ExperimentsAward #: 2104003 | Data description, data format, data accessibility, cross-experiment data analysis, dark matter, simulation comparison | Poster |
34 | Robert Sinkovits | University of California, San Diego | Elements: Spatial Ecology GatewayAward #: 2104104 | Spatial ecology, science gateway, home range, HubZero, Brownian Bridge Movement Model | Poster |
35 | Dan Stanzione | University of Texas at Austin | Elements: Cognitasium - Enabling Data-Driven Discoveries in Natural Hazards EngineeringAward #: 2103937 | Natural Hazards, AI, Open Source | |
36 | Carl Tape | University of Alaska Fairbanks | Collaborative Research: Frameworks: Seismic COmputational Platform for Empowering Discovery (SCOPED)Award #: 2104052 | seismology, software containers, cloud computing, data assimilation, high-performance computing | Poster |
37 | Greg Tucker | University of Colorado Boulder | Collaborative Research: Frameworks: OpenEarthscape—Transformative Cyberinfrastructure for Modeling and Simulation in the Earth-Surface Science CommunitiesAward #: 2104102 | geoscience, modeling, Python, earth, water | Poster |
38 | George K Thiruvathukal | Loyola University Chicago | CDSE: Collaborative: Cyber Infrastructure to Enable Computer Vision Applications at the Edge Using Automated Contextual AnalysisAward #: 2104319 | computer vision, edge devices, low-power, digital cameras | Poster |
39 | Michael Widom | Carnegie Mellon University | Elements: Cyberinfrastructure for spin and charge transport calculation of partially disordered alloysAward #: 2103958 | Density functional theory, KKR-CPA, conductivity | Poster |
40 | Yinghui Wu | Case Western Reserve University | Elements: Crowdsourced Materials Data Engine for Unpublished XRD ResultsAward #: 2104007 | material data science, XRD, knowledge graph, machine learning, data provenance | Poster |
41 | Kyle Chard | University of Chicago | Globus Automate: A Distributed Research Automation PlatformAward #: 1835890 | Automation, Globus, FaaS, Transfer | Poster |
Poster # | Name | Organization | NSF Award | Keywords | View/Download |
1 | Ryan Baker | University of Pennsylvania | Collaborative Research: Frameworks: Cyber Infrastructure for Shared Algorithmic and Experimental Research in Online LearningAward #: DRL-1931419 | MOOC, A/B test, data enclave, privacy protection | Poster |
2 | Kyle Chard | University of Chicago | funcX: A Function Execution Service for Portability and PerformanceAward #: 2004894 | FaaS, federated computing, elastic scalability, remote execution | Poster |
3 | Daniel Crawford | Molecular Sciences Software Institute/Virginia Tech | S2I2: Impl: The Molecular Sciences Software InstituteAward #: 2136142 | molecular sciences, best practices, education, interoperability, high-performance computing | Poster |
4 | Robert DeLeon | SUNY at Buffalo | Elements: Development and Dissemination of a Slurm SimulatorAward #: 2004954 | slurm, simulator, scheduler,throughput,work-load | Poster |
5 | John Evans | University of Colorado Boulder | Collaborative Research: Elements: EXHUME: Extraction for High-Order Unfitted Finite Element MethodsAward #: 2104106 | Unfitted Finite Element Analysis, Immersogeometric Analysis, Extraction, Finite Element Software | Poster |
6 | Shandong Wu | University of Pittsburgh | CICI: SIVD: Discover and defend cyber vulnerabilities of deep learning medical diagnosis models to adversarial attacksAward #: 2115082 | cybersecurity, computer-aided diagnosis, adversarial attacks, deep learning, medical imaging | |
7 | Chris Hill | MIT/DJ4Earth | Collaborative Research: Frameworks: Convergence of Bayesian inverse methods and scientific machine learning in Earth system models through universal differentiable programmingAward #: 2103942, 2103791, 2104009, 2104068, 2103804, 2147601 | open-source, earth-science, machine-learning, uncertainty-qualification, learning-models-from-data | Poster |
Nancy Ide | Brandeis University | Towards a Robust Cyberinfrastructure for NLP-based Search and Recoverability over Scientific LiteratureAward #: 2104025 | Information retrieval, text mining, scientific literature, natural language processing | Poster | |
9 | Anthony Kougkas | Illinois Institute of Technology | ChronoLog: A High-Performance Storage Infrastructure for Activity and Log WorkloadsAward #: CSSI 2104013 | distributed log, shared log, tiered storage, activity data, high-performance storage | Poster |
10 | Chris Kuhlman | University of Virginia | Collaborative Research: Framework: Software: CINES: A Scalable Cyberinfrastructure for Sustained Innovation in Network Engineering and ScienceAward #: 1916805 | Network Science, cyberinfrastructure, engineering | Poster |
11 | Reed Maxwell | Princeton University | Collaborative Research: Framework: Software: NSCI : Computational and data innovation implementing a national community hydrologic modeling framework for scientific discoveryAward #: 2054506 / 1835903 | hydrologic modeling, community platforms, data and more sharing, model performance | Poster |
12 | Serban Porumbescu | University of California, Davis | SI2-SSE: Gunrock: High-Performance GPU Graph Analytics.Award #: 1740333 | graph, analytics, gpu, sparse, parallel | Poster |
13 | Saptarshi Purkayastha | Indiana University | CICI: SSC: Development of a Secure and Privacy-Preserving Workflow Architecture for Dynamic Data Sharing in Scientific InfrastructuresAward #: 1839746 | healthcare workflows, role-based authentication, hierarchical access control, JetStream, OpenMRS | Poster |
14 | Rajiv Ramnath | The Ohio State University, Computer Science and Engineering | EAGER: Bridging the Last Mile; Towards an Assistive Cyberinfrastructure for Accelerating Computationally Driven ScienceAward #: 1945347 | Cyberinfrastructure, HPC, AI4CI, Machine-Learning | Poster |
15 | Dmitrij Rappoport | University of California Irvine | libkrylov, a Modular Open-Source Software Library for Extremely Large Eigenvalue and Linear ProblemsAward #: OAC-1835909 | Numerical Linear Algebra, Iterative Methods, High-Performance Computing, Electronic Structure | Poster |
16 | Abani Patra | Tufts University | Ghub: A new community-driven data-model resource for ice-sheet scientistsAward #: 2004302 | Ice sheet models, Ice sheet observation data, glaciology and cryosciences | Poster |
17 | Robert Settlage | Virginia Tech | Frameworks: Software NSCI-Open OnDemand 2.0: Advancing Accessibility and Scalability for Computational Science through Leveraged Software CyberinfrastructureAward #: 1835725 | HPC, Open OnDemand, XDMoD, High-performance computing | Poster |
Naveen Sharma | Rochester Institute of Technology | Citizenly: Empowering Communities by Democratizing Data ScienceAward #: 1943002 | urban, community engagement, data, learning, smart-city | ||
20 | Edgar Solomonik | University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign | Collaborative Research: Frameworks: Scalable Modular Software and Methods for High-Accuracy Materials and Condensed Phase Chemistry SimulationAward #: 1931258 | quantum chemistry, high-accuracy simulation, low-scaling methods, tensors, scalable software systems | Poster |
21 | Carol Song | Purdue University | Framework: Data: HDR: Extensible Geospatial Data Framework towards FAIR (Findable, Accessible, Interoperable, Reusable) ScienceAward #: 1835822 | geospatial data, data framework, data connector, data processor, workflow | Poster |
22 | Raymond Speth | Massachusetts Institute of Technology | CSSI Framework: Extensible and Community-Driven Thermodynamics,Transport, and Chemical Kinetics Modeling with Cantera: Expanding to Diverse Scientific DomainsAward #: 1931391 | chemical kinetics, combustion, electrochemistry, catalysis, mass transport | Poster |
23 | Petr Sulc | Arizona State University | Elements: Models and tools for on-line design and simulations for DNA and RNA nanotechnologyAward #: 1931487 | Coarse-grained modeling, DNA nanotechnology, RNA nanotechnology, molecular dynamics, online database | Poster |
24 | Xian-He Sun | Illinois Institute of Technology | Framework: Software: NSCI: Collaborative Research: Hermes: Extending the HDF Library to Support Intelligent I/O Buffering for Deep Memory and Storage Hierarchy SystemsAward #: OCI-1835764 | HPC I/O system, memory-storage hierarchy, data buffering system, HDF, data management | Poster |
25 | David Tarboton | Utah State University | CSSI Framework: HydroShare: Cyberinfrastructure for Advancing Hydrologic Knowledge through Collaborative Integration of Data Science, Modeling and AnalysisAward #: 1664061 | Water data management, CUAHSI, Collaborative Environment | Poster |
26 | Loyola University Chicago | CDSE: Collaborative: Cyber Infrastructure to Enable Computer Vision Applications at the Edge Using Automated Contextual AnalysisAward #: 2104319 | computer vision, edge devices, low-power, digital cameras | Poster | |
27 | Yuan Tian | University of California, Los Angeles | CICI: RDP: Enforcing Security and Privacy Policies to Protect Research DataAward #: 1920462 | Data privacy, policy enforcement, program analysis, IRB | |
28 | Frank Timmes | Arizona State University | Collaborative Research: SI2-SSI: Modules for Experiments in Stellar AstrophysicsAward #: ACI-1663684 | Astronomy, Astrophysics, MESA Software Instrument | Poster |
29 | Juan Tolento | UC Irvine | Advanced Lossless and Lossy Compression Algorithms for netCDF Datasets in Earth and Engineering SciencesAward #: OAC-2004993 | Compression Algorithms, netCDF, CCR | Poster |
30 | Bill Tolone | University of North Carolina at Charlotte | Virtual Information-Fabric Infrastructure (VIFI) forData-Driven Decisions from Distributed Data Award #: 1640818 | Virtual information fabrics, distributed orchestration, data-driven discoveries, big data infrastructures | Poster |
31 | Stanimire Tomov | University of Tennessee | SI2:SSE: MAtrix, TEnsor, and Deep-Learning Optimized Routines (MATEDOR)Award #: 1740250 | Batched BLAS, LAPACK, MAGMA, tensor computations, deep learning | |
32 | Robert van de Geijn | The University of Texas at Austin | Beyond the BLAS: A framework for accelerating computational and data scienceAward #: CSSI-2003921 | BLIS, BLAS-like functionality, linear algebra, tensor contraction, mixed data types | Poster |
34 | Jorge Vinals | University of Minnesota | RAISE: A Materials Science Gateway for X-ray Imaging and Modeling of MicrostructuresAward #: OAC 2037773 | Galaxy, High Energy Diffraction Microscopy, Grain Growth, Microstructure | Poster |
35 | Yinzhi Wang | Texas Advanced Computing Center | Elements: PASSPP: Provenance-Aware Scalable Seismic Data Processing with PortabilityAward #: 1931352 | parallel computing, database, seismology, container | Poster |
36 | Yang Wang | Carnegie Mellon University | Collaborative Research: Element: Development of MuST, A Multiple Scattering Theory based Computational Software for First Principles Approach to Disordered MaterialsAward #: 1931525 | Disorder, density functional theory, multiple scattering theory, first principles, alloys | Poster |
37 | Peter Williams | American Astronomical Society / Center for Astrophysics | Elements: FastTract: Web-Based Exploratory Visualization of Gigapixel Astronomical ImagesAward #: 2004840 | visualization, astronomy, web applications, big data | Poster |
Shouhuai Xu | University of Colorado Colorado Springs | CICI: UCSS: ACSP4HR: Assuring Cyber Security and Privacy for Human Resilience Research: Requirements, Framework, Architecture, Mechanisms and PrototypeAward #: 2115134 | Human resilience research (HRR), cybersecurity, privacy-preservation, ransomware-resistance, automatic policy-compliance, cyberinfrastructure | Poster | |
39 | Chaowei Yang | NSF Spatiotemporal Innovation Center/George Mason | Collaborative Research: Elements: Data: HDR: Developing On-Demand Service Module for Mining Geophysical Properties of Sea Ice from High Spatial Resolution ImageryAward #: 1835507 | arctic, climate change, sea ice, classification, AI/ML | Poster |
40 | Yanfang (Fanny) Ye | University of Notre Dame | CICI: SSC: SciTrust: Enhancing Security for Modern Software Programming CyberinfrastructureAward #: OAC-2218762 | Modern Software Programming Cyberinfrastructure, Security, AI, Scientific Credibility | |
41 | Michael Zentner | SDSC | S2I2: Impl: The Science Gateways Community Institute (SGCI) for the Democratization and Acceleration of ScienceAward #: 1547611 | science gateways, high performance computing, sustainability, SGCI | Poster |
42 | Hyesoon Kim | Georgia Tech | OAC CORE: ENABLING RAPID, TARGETED OPTIMIZATION OF PDE SOLVERS VIA HARDWAREAward #: 2103951 | Multi-drone simulation, computing evaluation, FPGA, CPS simulation | Poster |
online only | Natalia Villanueva Rosales | The University of Texas at El Paso | ELEMENTS: DATA: HDR: SWIM to a Sustainable Water FutureAward #: 1835897 | cyberinfrastructure, water sustainability, model-to-model integration, participatory reasoning, stakeholder-driven analysis | Poster | online only | David Sandwell | UCSD | Elements: Software - Harnessing the InSAR Data Revolution: GMTSARAward #: OAC-1834807 | Earth surface deformation, radar interferometry, processing software | Poster |
- Each active CSSI project is expected to present a poster on the project at the PI meeting. You will need to print out and bring a physical copy of your poster on your own; we cannot print posters on site. Collaborative projects (including across multiple institutions) should only bring one poster.
Each poster presenter will be assigned one side of a horizontal, cloth-covered poster board. The poster board dimensions are 72 inches (183 cm) wide and 48 inches (122 cm) tall and you are free to fill that space however you see fit. We will provide pushpins. Please include your project award name, award number, and PI/co-PI names. Posters left after the meeting will be recycled.
- Local printers
While we do not specifically endorse these businesses, here are three options in the Old Town Alexandria area if you wish to have your poster printed locally:
FedEx Office Print & Ship Center, 685 N Washington St, Alexandria, VA 22314
- This is the closest printer to the hotel/venue OPEN ON SUNDAYS (12:00 - 6:00 PM).
- Minimum 24 hour turn around time. Submit your file through their website.
- Max width is 42 inches; length can be any size. Ensure your file is sized to your desired size or there will be additional costs.
- Pick up at their location (no weekend delivery). Located ~30 minute walk/10 minute cab ride from hotel/venue.
MinuteMan Press of Alexandria, 1429A Duke St, Alexandria, VA 22314
AlphaGraphics Old Town Alexandria, 1001 North Fairfax St, Suite 100A, Alexandria, VA 22314
- Digital upload
We will use Zenodo to share the posters digitally. Please follow these steps to upload your poster by July 18, 2022:
- Create or log into your Zenodo account.
- Once logged in, follow this link to the 2022 NSF CSSI PI Meeting Community upload page.
- Follow the file upload instructions.
- Verify that the 2022 NSF CSSI PI Meeting Community is listed under the "Communities" section.
- Set the "Upload type" to poster.
- Complete the "Basic information" section.
- For "License", we recommend selecting "CC 4.0 International" (which should be the default).
- Add your NSF award # to the "Funding" section. note: There have been reports of this feature not working correctly. If your award does not come up, add to the "additional notes" field in the "basic information" section.
- Click "Publish".
- The meeting organizers will be notified by email of your submission and approve your upload.
Lightning Talk Schedule
To optimize time for in-person interaction, we will limit lightning talks to recently-funded (2020-present) projects that did not have a chance to present a lightning talk at previous CSSI PI meetings. These projects will give a one-minute lightning talk to introduce their poster.
Talk # | Name | Organization | NSF Award | Keywords | View/Download |
1 | Scott Bachman | National Center for Atmospheric Research | Elements: Cyberinfrastructure for streamlining coupled, simplified climate modeling within the Community Earth System ModelAward #: 2004575 | climate, CESM, toolchain, idealized, model | Slide |
2 | Michael Barton | Arizona State University | Frameworks: Collaborative Research: Integrative Cyberinfrastructure for Next-Generation Modeling ScienceAward #: 2103905 | modeling, social and ecological sciences, model reusability, education and training, open science | Slide |
3 | Mahdi Belcaid | University of Hawaii at Manoa | SAGE3: Smart Amplified Group Environment for Harnessing the Data RevolutionAward #: 2004014 | Collaboration platforms, data science environment, artificial intelligence platforms, Human-in-the-loop, decision-support systems | Slide |
4 | Anupam Bhar | Iowa State University | Elements: Agricultural Cyber-infrastructure support for Field and Grid Modeling, and Runtime Decision-MakingAward #: 2004766 | Precision agriculture, MyGeoHub, Agriculture Model, Decision-Making, Optimization. | SlideFile under embargo. Contact author for details (abhar at |
5 | David Cantu | University of Nevada, Reno | Elements: The ThYme database and identifying representative amino acid sequences that originate thioester-active enzyme familiesAward #: 2001385 | Enzyme, protein, database, bioinformatics, structure | Slide |
6 | Aaron Costin | University of Florida | Elements: Cyberinfrastructure Service for IoT-Based Construction Research and ApplicationsAward #: 2004544 | Internet of Things, Construction, Wireless Sensor Network, Safety Monitoring | Slide |
7 | Peter Diener | Louisiana State University | Collaborative Research: Frameworks: The Einstein Toolkit ecosystem: Enabling fundamental research in the era of multi-messenger astrophysicsAward #: 2004157 | Numerical Relativity, Compact Objects, Einstein Toolkit, Adaptive Mesh Refinement, High Performance Computing | Slide |
8 | Renato Figueiredo | University of Florida | Collaborative Research: Elements: EdgeVPN: Seamless Secure Virtual Networking for Edge and Fog ComputingAward #: 2004441 | edge computing, fog computing, virtual networks, software-defined networks | Slide |
9 | Chaitanya Joshi | Tufts University | Elements: Morpho-Cyberinfrastructure for scientists and engineers studying shape changeAward #: 2003820 | shape optimization, shapeshifting, soft matter, biophysics, open-source | Slide |
10 | JoAnn Kuchera-Morin | University of California, Santa Barbara | Elements: Cyber-infrastructure for Interactive Computation and Display of Materials DatasetsAward #: 2004693 | interactive computation, computational materials science, interactive visualization, complex crystalline materials research, automated model fitting | Slide |
11 | Ge Ou | University of Florida | Elements: Open Access Data Generation Engine for Bulk Power System under Extreme WindstormsAward #: 2004658 | Power System, extreme weather; resilience; hurricanes; civil infrastructure | Slide |
12 | Abani Patra | Tufts University | Ghub: A new community-driven data-model resource for ice-sheet scientistsAward #: 2004302 | Ice sheet models, Ice sheet observation data, glaciology and cryosciences | Slide |
13 | Daniel Phillips | Ohio University | Frameworks: Bayesian Analysis of Nuclear DynamicsAward #: 2004601 | Bayesian statistics; uncertainty quantification; nuclear physics; experimental design; computationally expensive models. | Slide |
14 | Chris Rapier | Pittsburgh Supercomputing Center | Elements: HPN-SSHAward #: 2004012 | ssh, networking, security, data transfer, performance | Slide |
Wissam Saidi | University of Pittsburgh | Elements: DeepPDB: An open-source automated framework to enable high-fidelity atomistic simulations in unexplored material spaceAward #: 2003808 | Materails Modeling, first-principles, machine learning, atomistic potentials, large data | Slide | |
16 | Michael Sokoloff | University of Cincinnati | Collaborative Research : Elements : Extending the physics reach of LHCb by developing and deploying algorithms for a fully GPU-based first trigger stageAward #: 2004364 | GPUs, real-time, particle physics, machine learning | Slide |
17 | Dingwen Tao | Washington State University | CDS&E: Collaborative Research: HyLoC: Objective-driven Adaptive Hybrid Lossy Compression Framework for Extreme-Scale Scientific ApplicationsAward #: 2003624 | HPC, I/O and communication, data movement, lossy compression, scientific data | Slide |
18 | Liqing Zhang | Virginia Tech | Frameworks: Developing CyberInfrastructure for Waterborne Antibiotic Resistance Risk Surveillance (CI4-WARS)Award #: 2004751 | Antibiotic resistance, wastewater treatment plants, surveillance, anomaly detection, metagenomic sequencing | Slide |
19 | Boris Kozinsky | Harvard University | Elements: FLARE infrastructure for reproducible active learning of Bayesian force fields for ex-machina exascale molecular dynamicsAward #: 2003725 | molecular dynamics, materials simulation, machine learning | Slide |
Talk # | Name | Organization | NSF Award | Keywords | View/Download |
1 | Ritu Arora | UTSA | COLLABORATIVE RESEARCH: EAGER: Towards Building a CyberInfrastructure for Facilitating the Assessment, Dissemination, Discovery, & Reuse of Software and Data ProductsAward #: 2037661 | interoperability, licensing, metrics, catalog, software discovery | Slide |
2 | Lei Cao | MIT | Collaborative Research: Elements: A Self-tuning Anomaly Detection ServiceAward #: 2103799 | self-tuning, anomaly detection, unsupervised, domain-specific, anomaly classifier | Slide |
3 | Lydia Chilton | Columbia University | Elements: Decision Engine for Socioeconomic Disaster Risk (DESDR) - Data Collection, Fusion, and Analysis to Protect Vulnerable Populations From Extreme WeatherAward #: 2103794 | agriculture, finance, software, co-design, open-source | Slide |
4 | Leszek Demkowicz | The University of Texas at Austin | Elements:Software A Scalable Open-Source hp-Adaptive FE Software for Complex Multiphysics ApplicationsAward #: 2103524 | Finite Elements, Open Source, DPG Method, Multigrid, Adaptivity | Slide |
5 | Chad Hanna | Penn State | An A+ Framework for Multimessenger Astrophysics Discoveries through Real-Time Gravitational Wave DetectionAward #: 2103662 | LIGO, gravitational waves, black holes, neutron stars, real-time, multi-messenger, signal processing, stream-processing | Slide |
6 | Pedram Hassanzadeh | Rice University | Collaborative Research: Framework: Improving the understanding and representation of atmospheric gravity waves using high-resolution observations and machine learningAward #: 2005123 | climate modeling, machine learning, parameterization, climate change, atmospheric dynamics | Slide |
7 | Philip Ilten | University of Cincinnati | Elements: Machine Learning Quark HadronizationAward #: 2103889 | Monte Carlo, machine learning, particle physics, simulation | Slide |
8 | Shantenu Jha | Rutgers University | RHAPSODY: Runtime for Heterogeneous Applications, Service Orchestration and DynamismAward #: 2103986 | Middleware, software and performance engineering, workflows | Slide |
9 | Alice Koniges | University of Hawai'i | Elements: ALE-AMR Framework and the PISALE CodebaseAward #: 2005259 | Flow in Porous Media, Adaptive Mesh Refinement, Arbitrary Lagrangian Eulerian, PISALE | Slide |
10 | Christopher League | Long Island University | Bifrost: A CPU/GPU Pipeline Framework for High Throughput Data Acquisition and AnalysisAward #: 2103771 | GPU, Python, radioastronomy, data acquisition, big data analysis | Slide |
11 | Dave Vieglais | University of Kansas | Collaborative Research: Frameworks: Internet of Samples: Toward an Interdisciplinary Cyberinfrastructure for Material SamplesAward #: 2004815 | physical samples, collection, identifier, distributed, linked data | Slide |
12 | Sanjiva Lele | Stanford University | Elements: AMR-H: Adaptive multi-resolution high-order solver for multiphase compressible flows on heterogenous platformsAward #: 2103509 | high-order discretization, compressible flow simulations, turbulence, AMR, Exascale computing | Slide |
13 | T. Andrew Manning | National Center for Supercomputing Applications | Frameworks: MUSES, Modular Unified Solver of the Equation of StateAward #: 2103680 | high performance computing, equation of state, nuclear physics, gravitational wave astrophysics, heavy-ion physics | Slide |
14 | Charles Meneveau | Johns Hopkins University | Frameworks: Advanced Cyberinfrastructure for Sustainable Community Usage of Big Data from Numerical Fluid Dynamics SimulationsAward #: 2103874 | Big data, turbulence, computational fluid dynamics, geophysics, numerical laboratories | Slide |
15 | David Morse | Univ. of Minnesota | Elements: Open-source tools for block polymer phase behaviorAward #: 2103627 | Polymer, Copolymer, Field Theoretic Simulation | Slide |
16 | Loic Pottier | University of Southern California | Simulation-driven Evaluation of Cyberinfrastructure SystemsAward #: 2103508 | simulation, cyberinfrastructure, scientific workflows, distributed computing, wrench | Slide |
17 | Dave Randall | Colorado State University | Collaborative Research: Frameworks: Community-Based Weather and Climate Simulation With a Global Storm-Resolving ModelAward #: 2005137 | Atmosphere, Ocean, Weather, Climate, Fluids | Slide |
18 | Dingwen Tao | Washington State University | Collaborative Research: Elements: ROCCI: Integrated Cyberinfrastructure for In Situ Lossy Compression Optimization Based on Post Hoc Analysis RequirementsAward #: 2104024 | HPC, storage and I/O, compression, scientific data, post hoc analysis | Slide |
19 | Michela Taufer | The University of Tennessee | Collaborative Research: Elements: SENSORY: Software Ecosystem for kNowledge diScOveRY - a data-driven framework for soil moisture applicationsAward #: 2103845 | scientific workflows, provenance, scientific computing, traceability, explainability, soil moisture predictions | Slide | 20 | Andreas Kloeckner | University of Illinois | SHF: Small: Collaborative Research: Transform-to-perform: languages, algorithms, and solvers for nonlocal operatorsAward #: SHF-1911019 | Non-local operator, Convolution, Potential, FEM/BEM coupling, Fast Algorithm, Domain-Specific Language | Slide |
Talk # | Name | Organization | NSF Award | Keywords | View/Download |
1 | Berkay Aydin | Georgia State University | Elements: Spatiotemporal Analysis of Magnetic Polarity Inversion Lines (STEAMPIL)Award #: 2104004 | Object detection, shape descriptors, space weather forecasting, polarity inversion lines | Slide |
2 | Brian Bockelman | Morgridge Institute for Research | CSSI Elements: EWMS - Event Workflow Management ServiceAward #: 2103963 | event processing, manager-worker, High Throughput Computing, distributed computing | Slide |
3 | Eunseo Choi | The University of Memphis | Elements: Developing an integrated modeling platform for tectonics, earthquake cycles and surface processesAward #: 2104002 | tectonics, earthquake cycle, modernization, parallelization, user experience | Slide |
4 | Peter Crozier | Arizona State University | Elements: Collaborative Research: Community-driven Environment of AI-powered Noise Reduction Services for Materials Discovery from Electron Microscopy DataAward #: 2104105 | atomic level structure and dynamics, denoising, catalysis, machine learning | Slide |
5 | Sajal Das | Missouri University of Science and Technology | CSSI:CANDY: Cyberinfrastructure for Accelerating Innovation in Network DynamicsAward #: 2104078 | Parallel dynamic network analysis, open source software framework, complex networks | Slide |
6 | Keivan Esfarjani | University of Virginia | ELEMENTS: Anharmonic formalism and codes to calculate thermal transport and phase change from first-principles calculationsAward #: 2103989 | self-consistent phonons, thermal conductivity, force constants, phase transitions, equilibrium phase | Slide |
7 | Feliciano Giustino | University of Texas, Austin | Frameworks: An Interoperable Software Ecosystem for Many-Body Electronic Structure CalculationsAward #: 2103991 | Computational materials science, electronic structure calculations, many-body methods, excited-state phenomena | Slide |
8 | Zhen Li | Clemson University | Collaborative Research: Elements: SciMem: Enabling High Performance Multi-Scale Simulation on Big Memory PlatformsAward #: 2103967 | multiscale simulation, molecular dynamics, big memory, heterogeneous computing | Slide |
9 | Guoyu Lu | Rochester Institute of Technology | Elements: A Deep Neural Network-based Drone (UAS) Sensing System for 3D Crop Structure AssessmentAward #: 2104032 | 3D Sensing, Crop Assessmen, LiDAR-camera fusion, Low cost UAS system, Precision Agriculture | Slide |
10 | Jim Pivarski | Princeton University | Awkward Arrays - Accelerating scientific data analysis on irregularly shaped dataAward #: 2103945 | Python, NumPy, JSON-like data, data analysis, ragged array, jagged array, Apache Arrow | Slide |
11 | Amy Roberts | CU Denver | Collaborative Research: Elements: Shared Data-Delivery Infrastructure to Enable Discovery with Next Generation Dark Matter and Computational Astrophysics ExperimentsAward #: 2104003 | Data description, data format, data accessibility, cross-experiment data analysis, dark matter, simulation comparison | Slide |
12 | Robert Sinkovits | University of California, San Diego | Elements: Spatial Ecology GatewayAward #: 2104104 | Spatial ecology, science gateway, home range, HubZero, Brownian Bridge Movement Model | Slide |
13 | Carl Tape | University of Alaska Fairbanks | Collaborative Research: Frameworks: Seismic COmputational Platform for Empowering Discovery (SCOPED)Award #: 2104052 | seismology, software containers, cloud computing, data assimilation, high-performance computing | Slide |
14 | Greg Tucker | University of Colorado Boulder | Collaborative Research: Frameworks: OpenEarthscape—Transformative Cyberinfrastructure for Modeling and Simulation in the Earth-Surface Science CommunitiesAward #: 2104102 | geoscience, modeling, Python, earth, water | Slide |
15 | Michael Widom | Carnegie Mellon University | Elements: Cyberinfrastructure for spin and charge transport calculation of partially disordered alloysAward #: 2103958 | Density functional theory, KKR-CPA, conductivity | Slide |
16 | Yinghui Wu | Case Western Reserve University | Elements: Crowdsourced Materials Data Engine for Unpublished XRD ResultsAward #: 2104007 | material data science, XRD, knowledge graph, machine learning, data provenance | Slide |
17 | Shouhuai Xu | University of Colorado Colorado Springs | CICI: UCSS: ACSP4HR: Assuring Cyber Security and Privacy for Human Resilience Research: Requirements, Framework, Architecture, Mechanisms and PrototypeAward #: 2115134 | Human resilience research (HRR), cybersecurity, privacy-preservation, ransomware-resistance, automatic policy-compliance, cyberinfrastructure | Slide |
18 | George K Thiruvathukal | Loyola University Chicago | CDSE: Collaborative: Cyber Infrastructure to Enable Computer Vision Applications at the Edge Using Automated Contextual AnalysisAward #: 2104319 | computer vision, edge devices, low-power, digital cameras | Slide |
Talk # | Name | Organization | NSF Award | Keywords | View/Download |
1 | Kyle Chard | University of Chicago | funcX: A Function Execution Service for Portability and PerformanceAward #: 2004894 | FaaS, federated computing, elastic scalability, remote execution | Slide |
2 | Daniel Crawford | Molecular Sciences Software Institute/Virginia Tech | S2I2: Impl: The Molecular Sciences Software InstituteAward #: 2136142 | molecular sciences, best practices, education, interoperability, high-performance computing | Slide |
3 | Robert DeLeon | SUNY at Buffalo | Elements: Development and Dissemination of a Slurm SimulatorAward #: 2004954 | slurm, simulator, scheduler,throughput,work-load | Slide |
4 | John Evans | University of Colorado Boulder | Collaborative Research: Elements: EXHUME: Extraction for High-Order Unfitted Finite Element MethodsAward #: 2104106 | Unfitted Finite Element Analysis, Immersogeometric Analysis, Extraction, Finite Element Software | Slide |
5 | Anthony Kougkas | Illinois Institute of Technology | ChronoLog: A High-Performance Storage Infrastructure for Activity and Log WorkloadsAward #: CSSI 2104013 | distributed log, shared log, tiered storage, activity data, high-performance storage | Slide |
George K Thiruvathukal | Loyola University Chicago | CDSE: Collaborative: Cyber Infrastructure to Enable Computer Vision Applications at the Edge Using Automated Contextual AnalysisAward #: 2104319 | computer vision, edge devices, low-power, digital cameras | Slide | |
7 | Juan Tolento | UC Irvine | Advanced Lossless and Lossy Compression Algorithms for netCDF Datasets in Earth and Engineering SciencesAward #: OAC-2004993 | Compression Algorithms, netCDF, CCR | Slide |
8 | Robert van de Geijn | The University of Texas at Austin | Beyond the BLAS: A framework for accelerating computational and data scienceAward #: CSSI-2003921 | BLIS, BLAS-like functionality, linear algebra, tensor contraction, mixed data types | Slide |
9 | Jorge Vinals | University of Minnesota | RAISE: A Materials Science Gateway for X-ray Imaging and Modeling of MicrostructuresAward #: OAC 2037773 | Galaxy, High Energy Diffraction Microscopy, Grain Growth, Microstructure | Slide |
10 | Peter Williams | American Astronomical Society / Center for Astrophysics | Elements: FastTract: Web-Based Exploratory Visualization of Gigapixel Astronomical ImagesAward #: 2004840 | visualization, astronomy, web applications, big data | Slide |
Shouhuai Xu | University of Colorado Colorado Springs | CICI: UCSS: ACSP4HR: Assuring Cyber Security and Privacy for Human Resilience Research: Requirements, Framework, Architecture, Mechanisms and PrototypeAward #: 2115134 | Human resilience research (HRR), cybersecurity, privacy-preservation, ransomware-resistance, automatic policy-compliance, cyberinfrastructure | Slide | |
12 | Hyesoon Kim | Georgia Tech | OAC CORE: ENABLING RAPID, TARGETED OPTIMIZATION OF PDE SOLVERS VIA HARDWAREAward #: 2103951 | Multi-drone simulation, computing evaluation, FPGA, CPS simulation | Slide | 13 | Chris Hill | MIT/DJ4Earth | Collaborative Research: Frameworks: Convergence of Bayesian inverse methods and scientific machine learning in Earth system models through universal differentiable programmingAward #: 2103942, 2103791, 2104009, 2104068, 2103804, 2147601 | open-source, earth-science, machine-learning, uncertainty-qualification, learning-models-from-data | Slide |
Discussion Forum
We will be using GitHub Discussions for round table discussions, open discussions, and for general meeting questions. You will need to log in GitHub or create your free account to contribute content. Contact the organizers with any questions: cssi-pi-meeting2022 at googlegroups dot com.
Organizing Committee
Contact the Organizing Committee: cssi-pi-meeting2022 at googlegroups dot com.

Kerstin Lehnert (Chair)
Lamont-Doherty Earth Observatory of Columbia University

Stephen Ficklin
Washington State University

Boyana Norris
University of Oregon

Hanna Terletska
Middle Tennessee State University

Michael Barton
Arizona State University

Kenneth Jansen
University of Colorado

Pedro Reyes
University of Texas at Austin
Code of Conduct
The 2022 NSF CSSI PI Meeting is an interactive environment for listening and considering new ideas from a diverse group, with respect for all participants without regard to gender, gender identity or expression, race, color, national or ethnic origin, religion or religious belief, age, marital status, sexual orientation, disabilities, veteran status, or any other aspect of how we identify ourselves. It is the policy of the 2022 NSF CSSI PI Meeting that all participants will enjoy an environment free from all forms of discrimination, harassment, and retaliation.
- Definition of Sexual Harassment:
Sexual harassment refers to unwelcome sexual advances, requests for sexual favors, and other verbal or physical conduct of a sexual nature. Behavior and language that are welcome/acceptable to one person may be unwelcome/offensive to another. Consequently, individuals must use discretion to ensure that their words and actions communicate respect for others. This is especially important for those in positions of authority since individuals with lower rank or status may be reluctant to express their objections or discomfort regarding unwelcome behavior.
Sexual harassment does not refer to occasional compliments of a socially acceptable nature. It refers to behavior that is not welcome, is personally offensive, debilitates morale, and therefore, interferes with work effectiveness. The following are examples of behavior that, when unwelcome, may constitute sexual harassment: sexual flirtations, advances, or propositions; verbal comments or physical actions of a sexual nature; sexually degrading words used to describe an individual; a display of sexually suggestive objects or pictures; sexually explicit jokes; unnecessary touching. - Definition of Other Harassment:
- Harassment on the basis of any other protected characteristic is also strictly prohibited. This conduct includes, but is not limited to the following: epithets, slurs, or negative stereotyping; threatening, intimidating, or hostile acts; denigrating jokes and display or circulation of written or graphic material that denigrates or shows hostility or aversion toward an individual or group.
- Definition of Discrimination:
- Discrimination refers to bias or prejudice resulting in denial of opportunity, or unfair treatment regarding selection, promotion, or transfer. Discrimination is practiced commonly on the grounds of age, disability, ethnicity, origin, political belief, race, religion, sex, etc. factors which are irrelevant to a person's competence or suitability.
- Definition of Retaliation:
- Retaliation refers to taking some action to negatively impact another based on them reporting an act of discrimination or harassment.
- Reporting an Incident:
- Violations of this code of conduct policy should be reported immediately to the Organizing Committee Members (email: cssi-pi-meeting2022 at googlegroups dot com). All complaints will be treated seriously and be investigated promptly. Confidentiality will be honored to the extent permitted as long as the rights of others are not compromised. Sanctions may range from verbal warning, to ejection from the 2022 NSF CSSI PI Meeting, to the notification of appropriate authorities. Retaliation for complaints of inappropriate conduct will not be tolerated.
COVID-19 Considerations
Updated as of July 14, 2022
We will follow all required federal, state, and local guidelines to make sure the meeting is as safe as possible. The organizing committee, in coordination with NSF program officers, will carefully monitor the situation and adjust recommended safety precautions as necessary based on the latest information.
In order to promote a safe environment for meeting participants, we will implement the following health and safety measures:
- Require participants to wear masks while in meeting spaces (other than while eating/drinking)
- Provide hand sanitizer and surgical masks for all participants (welcome to bring your own from home)
- Ensure that hotel staff entering the meeting space are masked
- Offer designated spaces for taking meals/breaks to accommodate different comfort levels of congregating and consuming while unmasked
All participants should monitor their own health status each morning before the meeting as well as during the meeting. Should you not feel well, please remain in/return to your hotel room.
If you experience symptoms associated with COVID-19, consider taking a self-test and/or visiting a nearby testing site. Anyone testing positive should refrain from re-entering the meeting space for the duration of the meeting and follow CDC guidance regarding care, isolating, and contact tracing. We will have a limited amount of self-tests available on-site.- Hotel guidelines
- For the latest details about how the meeting venue, The Westin Alexandria Old Town, is handling health and safety measures based on local and federal mandates, see the The Westin Alexandria Old Town COVID-19 Property Details webpage.
- COVID data for Alexandria
- View the CDC’s COVID Data Tracker for the latest community level data for Alexandria, VA.